Cabecera Impresión

DÍA A DÍA: Descripción de un evento


Entidad que organiza
International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE) World Health Organization (WHO)
Tipo de Evento
Lugar de realización
Fecha inicio
Fecha fin
Decripción del evento
Purpose of the award
The award aims to provide appropriate recognition for the contributions to addiction science of young scholars from developing countries and to promote their involvement in research and publication in the field.

Eligibility for the award
The criteria for eligibility will be as follows:

• The applicant should be less than 35 years old
• He/she should be the lead author in the published paper being submitted for the award
• He/she should hold a current academic or research position in a low or middle income country (as defined by the World Bank, see attached list); or should have held such a position at the time the research for the paper was being carried out
• The research reported should have been carried out predominantly in a low or middle income country
• The paper should be based on a topic of relevance to the country or region of origin, or should have broad implications for the field of addiction research
• The paper submitted for the award should have been published either online or in print form in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2011.

Successful applicants will be required to submit proof of age and of their current institutional affiliation.

The application procedure
The award is for the best paper on any topic related to addiction published the previous year by a young scholar working in a developing country. The decision will be made by an award committee selected with the approval of the ISAJE Board of Directors.

Each application should include:

• a copy of the paper being presented for the award; or URL or DOI;
• a full CV of the applicant including current position and affiliation, qualifications held, publications and other research outputs and details of relevant research training;
• a letter of support from a senior colleague (this may be sent separately).

The award
The successful applicant will receive a certificate and financial support of up to USD $2000 from the sponsors of the award to attend an international scientific or clinical meeting in the addiction/ substance abuse field. The meeting will be chosen in consultation with ISAJE. The sponsors of the award are ISAJE and WHO.

Submission procedure
The full application for this year’s award must reach ISAJE by 31 July 2011. Submit to: Jean O’Reilly, ISAJE Executive Officer, National Addiction Centre PO48, Institute of Psychiatry, London SE5 8AF, United Kingdom. The letter of support must also be received by this date if sent separately. Electronic applications in the form of an MS Word or a pdf file are acceptable and should be submitted to
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